I’ve read a number of books in my day, self improvement books, wellness books, management books and after each one I come away with the same feeling… That was a nice set of stories and analogies, but what do I DO? Seriously, what action do I take, right now, to course […]
Balanced Life
So this weekend I had quite the meltdown. I won’t go into the gory details, you’ve all seen it at least once in your life… middle-aged woman realizes she is a lousy friend (and has lost a bunch because of it); is overcome by the magnitude of changing internet providers […]
How Time Flys
I went to a class on Reiki last night – interesting stuff. The presenter was Frans Steine, author of “The Inner Heart of Reiki” and he was a great presenter to say the least. My exposure to Reiki started a whopping 2 weeks ago when I received my first “hands on” […]