Makeup options for the mindful life

So, as you know, I am in hot pursuit of a healthier life. That means reconsidering all of the products we use in our home. Today’s highlight is my new eye liner and shadow from Moody Sisters. I ordered it on Friday and here it is!

Not only is it all WAY better for my body, the colors are awesome and the owners seem super nice! Seriously, check out the thank you note they put in with my order!


About Mandy

I love to dance, enjoy a glass of wine, ski and even run and work out. I enjoy spending time doing anything fun I can find to do. Explore and enjoy! My personal statement on my birthday last year... I promise to live, laugh and love. I know it will hurt sometimes, but I will no longer hide myself from things out of fear. Instead I will face them, and even embrace them as they will inevitably make me stronger. I will love, even where there may be no prospect of the return of love. I will laugh instead of cry. I will live, truly LIVE in the world I have around me, making sure to experience new things and people whenever possible. I will stop and smell the roses. I will let go of things that are not critical to life and will relax my expectations of the world.

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